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Yolande Dorward

Yolande Dorward

Growing up I was often pondering on why things were the way they were – constantly observing, questioning and reviewing how things had an impact.  There was a sense that there was always more… and in truth there always is.


My amazing husband and two incredible daughters bring me so many opportunities to deepen who I am and explore what gets in the way from bringing my all, in full, to life.  Over the years working in different industries, having multiple roles and responsibilities and working in groups big and small, I am blessed beyond measure to observe and be inspired by people.  Learning not to hold back from people has provided more richness in my relationships and a deeper connection to humanity.


I love connecting with people and discussing how the simplicity of everyday experiences naturally enrich us.  Sometimes we can only see all that is in front of us, but when we can appreciate the enrichment our lives already offer and look beyond, there is so much we already have and have already mastered.


This website serves as an inspiration to look beyond, review within and deepen the appreciation and wonderment.  It provides a foundational resource to support you in your own unfolding or simple inquisition.​​​​​​

Allow the wisdom from

within move you.​

- Yolande Dorward

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